Electronic Sheet Music (1993)

Dear all,

Last week Nana and I attended an outdoor concert.  Some of the musicians were using traditional sheet music; some were using iPads.

Instantly my brain zoomed back to the 1990's - long before iPads or Kindles existed - where I had thought of an idea of Electronic Sheet Music.  It tried to solve the problem of turning pages of sheet music while performing, a problem made especially difficult outdoors, when musicians would often use clothespins to keep the music from blowing away!  How do you turn pages during a concert with that?

The first step to creating a brand new product is to write out a Product Description, which identifies the problem, explains the solution, identifies the market, and then describes the user interface in extreme detail.  The idea being 1) This is how you can "invent" something if you can't physically build it (the technology wasn't there yet), and 2) you want to present your vision so clearly that you can attract funding so you can go create a company and create the physical product.

I went back to my computer and, sure enough, found the product description I made for my invention, "Electronic Sheet Music".  It's 8 pages long and pretty thorough.  It's the kind of detail needed to identify how my invention would work and possibly attract venture capital to fund it.

Enjoy!   Love, Grandpa

Download the complete .pdf file here: https://friedmanarchives.com/~download/blog/Electronic_Sheet_Music.pdf