Once upon a time, there were no cell phones. If you wanted to make a phone call outside your house, you had to find a Pay Phone, which the phone company had installed pretty much everywhere. To make a call, you’d put in a dime (later it was a quarter, unless it was a long distance call, in which case you put in several quarters and you could only talk for 3 minutes.) Then you’d dial your number and talk.
UNLESS you were me. When I was 15 I built a portable Touch-Tone Generator, which made the sounds you normally hear when dialing on a landline phone. (Not many people know this, but it’s the sounds that do the dialing on those old phones.) So if the payphone gave you a dial tone first, all I had to do is hold up the portable Touch Tone Generator’s speaker to the phone’s microphone, and dial the number I wanted. A free phone call! (Yes, it was illegal. Please don’t tell anyone!)